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Dr. Iris Levin's Barn Swallow Research
In the 3 years we have lived here, we've been lucky to see Iris's work first-hand. Iris and her husband/collaborator Toshi teach at Kenyon College and each summer work on barn swallow research.
In 2023, cameras were attached near the nests as baby birds emerged. Here's a glimpse into the lives of new barn swallow families:
Good coordination, guys!
Baby bird hunger!
Please wait a few seconds - the baby birds will appear
Dad hanging out with his kids
Not enough room for both parents in this nest!
Getting better at mounting the cameras
Mom you are sitting on my head
Look at her love on them!
Cleaning up the kiddos
Can see color bands here
Both parents are in this one
Brooding younger nestlings
More baby bird videos from 2023:
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